Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Jobless

June 6, 2011

I have noticed that there seem to be many more people standing at traffic intersections holding signs asking for money.  "I am homeless"  or "I haven't worked for a year" or "I haven't eaten today"  are some of the typical signs they hold up.  Usually it is men standing on these corners but I have seen my share of women with children in these very same places. Over the past year or two there seem to be more and more people standing at intersections asking for handouts. You could say its an act or a scam and it could be.  But whatever you may think it takes your breath away to see the pain in the eyes of these men and women as they stand in the rain and snow begging for help.

Somewhere in the back of your mind you are saying,  "I hope this will never be me".

Where I work I' ve seen the anxiety in the eyes of graduating students as they begin their job search.  Some of you readers may have seen the fear, and dread in the eyes of your friends who may face uncertainty in their current job.  I would guess that all of us, over these past few years, have been witness to the effects of hopelessness that comes from long term unemployment.

To be without a job in a capitalist society tends to strip away a person's self esteem. The connection to society grows distant and life sustaining options lessen to the point where people will do things they never thought possible just a year earlier.

So what should be done? Given the political climate over the current economy...what can be done?

I would have liked to see the Obama Administration experiment more with a national jobs program.

In my mind the bankers and investment firms were bailed out with taxpayers money at the exprense of working men and women.  Now these very same bankers and investment firms, having regained their financial footing, have done little to help increase the work force in the country.

In fact it seems they have done the opposite by making it harder for small businesses to get loans, not providing mortgage relief to homeowners, and fighting against policies which would help reduce credit card debt. Many large corporatons have been making profits over this very same period but have not used that money to create or reinstate jobs,  using the excuse that they want to take a 'cautious' approch until the economy gets better.

So if something is going to happen to turn the economy around it will have to come from the government.  President Obama and the democrats (and perhaps some republicans) should stop waiting and move forward with some creative ideas similar to the depression era job program.


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