Friday, June 10, 2011

The Palin tempest in a teacup

Lately Sarah Palin has been in the news commenting, or rather rewriting the history, on Paul Revere's midnight ride through Massachusetts.  Without spending alot of time on this, suffice it to say that she offered up  her own version of the purpose for Revere's ride which of course runs contrary to history.

The point here is not whether she understands anything about the history of the American Revolution.  The point is the "media's" absurd fascination with everything she says in the hope of hearing her say if she will run for president. 

In my opinion thats not going to happen.  Sarah Palin is not a politician.  She quit her job as Governor of Alaska because she found something more exciting.  She found that being on the stage, speaking with a funny accent, telling homespun feel good stories, making a few jokes, deriding her opponents (mostly democrats), and an occassional wink could make her more money than being the governor of the frozen north.  End of story!

Sarah Palin is a performer that some people find interesting. She enjoys the spotlight and the attention but in  a recent poll of likely Republican voters the majority said they would not vote for her if she ran for president.  I think the news media needs to move on.

You betcha.


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