Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Passing of Osama

3 May, 2011
So finally after all most 10 years Osama Bin Laden  has been killed by US forces. This will end a dark chapter in U.S. history that has troubled the American people for a decade.  It is not unfortunately the end of the story.  It's only the end of one brutal mans life.

September 11th, 2001 was a defining moment.  It shook the American people out of a long sleep of false security.  It also awakened a sleeping President who, up to this point in his presidency, was spending too much time on his ranch.  It showed the anger and hatred, by some militant groups, at the United States  and the lethal lengths that they would go to in order to make a point.  It set in motion two wars costing the United States  billions of dollars and thousands of lives. 

The list of political ineptitude, congressional decision-making blindness, repressive governmental policies created in the name of 'making things safer and better in the country', is a list that could go on for many pages.  A short look at the history of the past 10 years should be enough for anybody to see that the country was politically and economically out of control. 

Now that we are a few days pass the headlines and the continued in-depth "rehashing"  of the facts it may be time to think about where we have all come over these pass 10years. 

I think the first thing that most people are feeling is a collective sigh of relief.  It's as if a weight was being lifted off our shoulders.  These past 10years have had the American psyche lost in a nightmare that we all were not even aware we were having.  The feeling of impending dread,  insecurity, and a lingering  depression that can not be clearly articulated has, to some degree,  begun to lift. The death of Osama Bin Laden will act as the closing of a painful circle that has haunted the past 10 years. 

The amount of time we will have to find our national balance will be short.  There are many other pressing issues in front of the American people that need a quick resolution.  The economy, unemployment, the environment, energy, and more  are still on the doorstep.

But for right now,  lets all take a moment to reflect on the future.  Lets all think about our role in the global community.  Lets make our world safer by making ourselves better citizens in it.

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